Briggs library offers black & white and color printing from web print or from one our public computers.
Printing Options
Library Cash B/W Printing
Briggs Library offers a cash printing option. From a library computer, simply choose "Library Cash Printer" in the print menu. Print
jobs can be picked up and paid for at the circulation desk.
Cost is $.05 per printed side. The default is duplex
Color Printing
Briggs Library offers a color printing option. There are several ways to print to the color printer:
From a public computer: From the print drop-down menu choose 'Library Color' and determine if using cash or Papercut.
From a laptop: Using web printing at choose 'Color Printer (PaperCut) or
'Color Printer (Cash).
The cost is $.50 cents per side.
Papercut Printing
Papercut is the official printing system for University of Minnesota, Morris (UMM) students, staff and faculty.
Before printing using Papercut, a dollar balance must be placed in your Papercut account at the Business
Office located in 205 Behmler or the Information Desk (Higbie's) in the Student Center. Once you have value
in your account then you can print to the Papercut printer located at the front of library circulation desk or to
any campus computer lab. When in Briggs Library, simply choose the "Library Papercut Printer" option from
the print menu.
Web Printing
It is possible to print to the circulation cash printer, Papercut printer, and color printer using web printing from
a personal device.