Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a resource sharing service available to all faculty, students, and staff affiliated with the University of Minnesota Morris as well as members of the Rodney A. Briggs Library Associates. Materials borrowed through ILL are subject to the same circulation policies and late fees as Briggs library materials.
Materials Available Through Interlibrary Loan
- Books, thesis, dissertations, microfilm, government publications, conference proceedings, and some journal volumes
- DVDs, CDs, and VHS tapes
- Copies of journal and newspapers articles and excerpts of larger works
- Items owned by Briggs Library that are currently on order, in use, or missing
Materials Not Available from any Library
- Entertainment DVDs released in the last six months
- Reference materials
- Rare or valuable materials
- Rosetta Stone language kits
- Materials for Course Reserve use
- Unpublished manuscripts
General Information
- There is no cost to UMM affiliated patrons for ILL service
- Renewals may be requested directly through the ILL Office one to two days before materials are due. You can do this by emailing [email protected] or calling 320-589-6171. If items are overdue, most lending libraries will not grant a renewal. If ILL materials are overdue and you still need to use them, rather than just returning them, call the ILL Office and discuss your options
- It is advantageous to order materials using the UofM Catalog (Get It) whenever possible, as these items usually arrive in a timely manner
- Most requests arrive in four to seven business days, but can take up to 30 days
- Articles are delivered via your University of Minnesota email account whenever possible
- Arrival information is sent via your University of Minnesota email account
- Physical items are picked up at the library main desk. A U-Card is necessary to check out materials that will be returned to a lending library
- Paper journal articles do not need to be returned
The conditions of this service are set forth by the national Interlibrary Loan Code, 1980 adopted by the American Library Association, the MINITEX Interlibrary Loan User Guide, the policies of the University of Minnesota Morris Rodney A. Briggs Library, local agreements, and the regulations of individual lending institutions.
Rodney A. Briggs Library, ILL
University of Minnesota
600 East Fourth Street
Morris, MN 56267-2132