Information literacy instruction introducing students to basic concepts of research and library resources is often integrated into Writing for the Liberal Arts (ENGL 1601) as well as Intellectual Community (IC) first-year courses. In addition, the Instruction Coordinator with support from other Briggs Library librarians offer the following instructional services throughout the year:
- Library orientation for incoming and international students.
- In-depth library research sessions tailored to individual discipline classes.
- Workshops and research consultations tailored to the demands of course instructors and specific student populations.
- Campus-wide workshops on new information technologies, such as EndNote and Qualtrics, for faculty and interested individuals.
- The opportunity for an embedded librarian in your classroom
- Librarian involvement in your Canvas course, including creating online guides targeted to your particular course or assignment.
- Faculty-librarian collaboration to design effective research assignments and incorporate information literacy concepts into your course.
All of Briggs Library’s instruction and information literacy efforts are tied closely with UMN Morris student learning outcomes, specifically those relating to critical thinking and analysis, information literacy, technology literacy and research skills. In addition, the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education provides a strong foundation that informs and guides best instructional practices at Briggs Library. Utilizing the ACRL Framework allows for a more nuanced investigation of information literacy that goes beyond simple resource identification, evaluation and basic search techniques. Students are invited to examine the different forms authority can take, how information is perceived, disparities of knowledge creation and access, tracking the process of scholarly conversation, the importance of citing, advanced search strategies, and how databases are organized.
Instructors are encouraged to reach out to the Instruction Coordinator if they have any questions.