As part of the Affordable Content Initiative, Briggs Library's course reserve service is designed to provide a venue for all the members of a class or a group to share resources efficiently. This may take the form of a physical item, such as a book or dvd that is shelved on the course reserve shelves at the library's main desk, an ebook, or a digitized journal article or excerpt from a book. The combined list of both physical or electronic items is accessible by clicking on the course reserves link on the library's web site. Then, search for specific course reserve page by either entering the course name, course number or instructor name.
Arranging for Course Reserves
Reserve request may be submitted at any time. A separate reserve form should be completed for each item and each excerpt. It is important to fill in all the required fields of the form, including bibliographic information for excerpts. Incomplete forms require further interaction and may result in additional processing time.
Allow five to eight working days at the beginning of each term for processing. After that, allow two working days after submitting the request. If owned by Briggs Library, the library staff will be happy to retrieve it either for addition to the print reserve shelf or for scanning for e-reserve. The library will accept books, photocopied or digitized articles, other printed materials and media items. Unconventional items are welcome. Items for campus governance or organizations are also welcomed, either for physical reserve or electronic access. Physical items requested for Course Reserves can be dropped off at the Briggs Library main desk.
The library appreciates an opportunity to borrow personal copies for reserve if not owned. It should be noted that barcodes and labels will be applied to these items and they will be returned to the faculty member at the conclusion of the term. In the case of e-reserve, the item may be picked up at the circulation desk after scanning has been completed. Interlibrary loan procotols prohibit the library from placing books or materials borrowed from other libraries on reserve.
All items and digitized excerpts must conform to copyright law. Specific questions about Copyright or reserve in general should be directed to the library director.